Under the Gun

Support Positive Mental Health

The enforcement and creation of common-sense gun laws in a community that values and provides treatment for mentally ill will help gun violence BEFORE it happens. Sandy Hook Promise is a non-profit organization founded and led by several family members who whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. They work to honor victims of gun violence by addressing all the causes of gun-related deaths including mental illness, suicide, and accidental discharge so that no other parent experiences the senseless horrific loss of their child by a gun.

Here are a few things you can do to contribute to the mental health and safety of your community:

Parents, Teachers & Leaders

Learn how to identify, intervene and get help for children and teens who are experiencing a mental-health crisis or displaying at-risk behavior.

Students and Teens

Train yourself on the right ways to respond, on and offline, to individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others. Visit Sandy Hook Promise to download the guide, and then share it with school administrators to bring the program to your school.


We can all support positive mental health in our communities by fostering an environment of inclusiveness and caring. In every school and in every community, there are people who feel alone. In particular, young people who are isolated can become victims of bullying, violence and depression. So when you see someone ALONE, REACH OUT, HELP and SAY HELLO.

Visit Sandy Hook Promise to learn more about research-based programs and practices to help protect children from gun violence in your homes, schools and communities.